jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011


To start with it’s important to remember that euthanasia is the practice of ending a life when a patient has too much pain due to a chronic disease. We can find two different types of euthanasia; active, which means a using of lethal substances in order to terminate a life, and passive, when the patient refuses to continue with the treatment.

As any ethical matter we can find 2 different positions. Those who are against the euthanasia saying that everything happens for a reason and we must be strong, life is never easy. On the other side the ones who are for the euthanasia pleading that you are the owner of your life and it’s your decision; no one deserves to suffer.

Sometimes euthanasia is related to selfishness, from both sides, the patient who doesn’t think in their beloved ones; and the family, friends, etc. of the patient who doesn’t want to be without that person. This is because taking this decision can’t be taken alone; it involves the whole family because it will affect all of them as well. But most of the times patients suffer more when they are forced to live here and making the one who are around suffer too.

It’s also necessary to consider that every person is different, therefore everybody will react and proceed in different ways to diseases. The ones who are against euthanasia consider it as a easy way out; but accept that we have been defeated doesn’t mean you’re weak.

I do believe in euthanasia as a way to terminate a life. Having been in this situation I can say that I’m definitively for it. The most important part in this topic is to respect the others opinion and points of view.

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